139th Supreme Convention Highlights
During the convention, held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly urged his brother Knights to follow the example of St. Joseph and Blessed Michael McGivney by finding creative solutions to the challenges facing Catholics today. This 26-minute video looks back at the proceedings of the convention, including the opening Mass, the Annual Report of the Supreme Knight, the annual awards session, and the memorial Mass. Become a Knight: http://kofc.org/joinus Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofCol... https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org
During the convention, held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Supreme Knight Patrick Kelly urged his brother Knights to follow the example of St. Joseph and Blessed Michael McGivney by finding creative solutions to the challenges facing Catholics today. This 26-minute video looks back at the proceedings of the convention, including the opening Mass, the Annual Report of the Supreme Knight, the annual awards session, and the memorial Mass. Become a Knight: http://kofc.org/joinus Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofCol... https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org
Supreme Convention Similar Videos
2022-2023 Family Program of the Year: Adopt a Widow
Knights from Council 14574 in Rochester, MN, sought ways to answer Blessed Michael McGivney’s vision to help widows and orphans. In response, they developed the Adopt-A-Widow program, where Knights adopt the widow of a deceased member of their council. In doing so, they make themselves available to assist with practical needs and to be present in each widow’s life, ensuring they have any community and support they may seek. Congratulations to Council 14574, co-winner of the 2022-2023 Family Program of the Year! Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/join Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org
2022 International Program Awards
Each year, the Knights of Columbus is proud to honor councils that exemplify service in the Order’s four Faith in Action programs: Faith, Life, Community, and Family. During the past fraternal year, Sts. Anne and Joachim Council 11930 in Fargo, N.D.; Fort Belvoir (Va.) Council 11170; St. Wojciech Patron of Poland Council 15267 in Tomaszów Lubelski, Poland; and St. Clare of Assisi Council 9708 in Houston, Texas, have demonstrated outstanding achievement. The Knights of Columbus salutes these councils, recipients of the 2022 Program of the Year Awards. Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/joinus Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofCol... https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org
2022-2023 International Program Award Winners
We are delighted to announce the Knights of Columbus 2022-2023 International Program Award Winners for Faith, Family, Community, and Life. These programs demonstrate the very best of our Order’s Faith in Action this past year. Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/join Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org