2022 Supreme Convention Memorial Mass
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2022-2023 Family Program of the Year: Charlotte Knights Step Up Amid Tragedy
In February 2021, the 35-year-old son of Brother Knight Oscar Garcia was killed in a tragic house fire. Knights from Council 17501 in Charlotte, NC, quickly mobilized to support his widow and two daughters. In addition to providing financial assistance, the council rebuilt the family’s home over a period of 10 months. We applaud Council 17501, co-winner of the 2022-2023 Family Program of the Year, for being a crucial means of support to the Garcia family during this challenging time. Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/join Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org
2022-2023 Faith Program of the Year: Christian Culture Week
In collaboration with the local civic authorities, Council 17248 in Sławno, Poland, has been the driving force behind the institution of a Christian Culture Week in the town. Seeking to promote the love, faith and hope found in the Church, Knights organized musical, artistic, literary and film events focussed on celebrating the fruits of Christianity. Congratulations to Council 17248, winner of the 2022-2023 Faith Program of the Year! Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/join Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org
2022-2023 Gaudium et Spes Award Honoree: Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V.
Mother Agnes Mary Donovan, S.V., was a professor at Columbus University when she answered the call to join the Sisters of Life. Since then, she has built solid foundations for the Institute as its first Mother Superior and transformed the pro-life culture in the United States, raising new leaders for the cause. As a great witness of joy and hope, Mother has demonstrated that the ultimate answer to abortion is love. Congratulations to Mother Agnes, the 2022-2023 Gaudium et Spes Award Honoree! Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/join Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org