Authentic Catholic Masculinity | Fr. Burke
Join the Knights of Columbus today: http://kofc.org/joinus Authentic Catholic Masculinity - Fr. Burke Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights: http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org What is authentic Catholic masculinity? Fr. Burke Masters points to the example of Mike Sweeney of the Kansas City Royals. Reflections with Fr. Burke Masters: Fr. Burke had dreams of playing in the MLB – now he serves as the chaplain to the Chicago Cubs. In this new video series, explore with Fr. Burke how to navigate the modern world through faith.
You Are Made For Greatness | Fr. Burke
Join the Knights of Columbus today: http://kofc.org/joinus You Are Made For Greatness | Fr. Burke Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights: http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org Fr. Burke had dreams of playing in the MLB – now he serves as the chaplain to the Chicago Cubs. In this new video series, explore with Fr. Burke how to navigate the modern world through faith.
Supreme Knight Reflects on Gratitude
Supreme Knight Reflects on Gratitude Supreme Knight Carl Anderson sat down with filmmaker Debra Gonsher Vinik, founder of minchamoment.com, to offer his reflection on gratitude. Mincha refers to an afternoon prayer in the Jewish tradition. Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org
Inside the Domestic Church
Inside the Domestic Church Find out what the domestic church should be - and not be - in this humorous and instructive video. Learn how to join KofC at http://www.kofc.org/en/index.html Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus
Fr. Don Calloway on the Power of the Rosary
Fr. Don Calloway on the Power of the Rosary Father Don Calloway, best-selling author of Champions of the Rosary, offers a reflection on the importance of devotion to the Rosary, and its pivotal role in the history of the Church. Learn how to join KofC at http://www.kofc.org/en/index.html http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus
A Prayer All Knights Should Know
A Prayer All Knights Should Know Deacon Brett Garland, a brother Knight, recites the Prayer for Canonization of Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus. Learn how to join KofC at http://www.kofc.org/en/index.html http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus
Dr. Mary Soha on the Florida martyrs
Dr. Mary Soha on the Florida martyrs Dr. Mary Soha spoke about Catholic evangelization in America and the witness of faith by St. Kateri and the Florida martyrs. In 1997, Dr. Mary Soha, a Florida physician of native American ancestry, became a member of (and medical consultant for) the Commission for the Canonization of Kateri Tekakwitha. Recently, Dr. Soha was named vice postulator for the cause for canonization of the “Martyrs of La Florida,” 92 people, predominantly indigenous Americans, killed between 1549 and 1706 in Northern Florida. www.KofCMuseum.org Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus
Divine Mercy: A Message for Today
Divine Mercy: A Message for Today Pope John Paul II famously said, “In the designs of providence, there are no mere coincidences.” This truth is clearly revealed in both the timing and content of Jesus’s revelations to St. Faustina. The message of Divine Mercy played a providential role in 20th century Polish history, setting the stage for a global reawakening as to God’s infinite mercy. Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org
You and Your Children
You and Your Children Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons – The vocation to fatherhood, and its challenges. Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org
Trust Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons – Protecting the ability of the husband and wife to trust one another. Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org
True Manhood
True Manhood Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons – A look at the nature of “Manhood.” Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: www.kofc.org
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