Supreme Knight Receives 2021 Pro-Life Legacy Award from March for Life


Supreme Knight Carl Anderson has advocated for the dignity and rights of unborn children for more than 50 years. These decades of work for the pro-life cause were recognized Jan. 29 when the March for Life Education and Defense Fund honored him with its 2021 Pro-Life Legacy Award. Here are the remarks he gave upon receiving the award during the Virtual Rose Dinner Gala. Learn more: #WhyWeMarch

Supreme Knight Receives 2021 Pro-Life Legacy Award from March for Life

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson has advocated for the dignity and rights of unborn children for more than 50 years. These decades of work for the pro-life cause were recognized Jan. 29 when the March for Life Education and Defense Fund honored him with its 2021 Pro-Life Legacy Award. Here are the remarks he gave upon receiving the award during the Virtual Rose Dinner Gala. Learn more: #WhyWeMarch