Michigan Family Provides Assistance to Ukraine


Joe and Tiffany Ampe described themselves as “open to life,” raising eight children in Marquette, Mich. In 2018, they added two more members to the family — Cazimir and Henrik — both who are children with special needs from Ukraine. Several years later, when the invasion of Ukraine began, the Ampes knew they had to help. Together with local Knights of Columbus, they collected and delivered medical supplies for a hospital in Ukraine and raised more than $200,000 in support. Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/joinus Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus/ https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org

Michigan Family Provides Assistance to Ukraine

Joe and Tiffany Ampe described themselves as “open to life,” raising eight children in Marquette, Mich. In 2018, they added two more members to the family — Cazimir and Henrik — both who are children with special needs from Ukraine. Several years later, when the invasion of Ukraine began, the Ampes knew they had to help. Together with local Knights of Columbus, they collected and delivered medical supplies for a hospital in Ukraine and raised more than $200,000 in support. Become a Knight today: http://kofc.org/joinus Subscribe now to keep up with the Knights! http://bit.ly/SubscribeKnightsOfColumbus Stay connected on social media: https://www.facebook.com/KnightsofColumbus/ https://twitter.com/kofc https://www.instagram.com/kofc_official Visit us at: http://www.kofc.org